Day 12: Putting a “face” to a Name

Day 12: Putting a “face” to a Name

A website can truly be an interactive portal into your business.  However, there are millions of websites out there, so how do people find yours?

Facebook_Like_ButtonThe answer is, they may not need to. One way to put a face to a name is by using facebook.  Facebook is the modern day version of “Word of Mouth”.  By engaging in social media, businesses suddenly become more trustworthy, approachable and friendly.  This personal interaction enables you to provide information that is both relevant and up to date to an audience that has already asked for it!

If people have liked your page, it is a place to present your goods and services to an audience who already trusts you and it’s free.  Also, with more and more analytics available to businesses, it’s a user friendly and almost immediate source to see what is working with the public and what isn’t.

When you are using facebook effectively, you may be able to eliminate the need to drive traffic to your website and maybe even tap into a market that you may not have been able to crack before. All this without them having to move a virtual muscle!

While there is no one tool that works for every business, facebook is a way for people you know and who know you (or know someone who knows you) to find your needle in the proverbial haystack.