How to attract your ideal customer

We believe in using inbound marketing to attract clients rather than ‘interruption marketing’ where you pester customers to buy from you.  Think of inbound marketing as Connection Marketing.  You connect with your ideal customers by helping them.

How does inbound work?

It starts with knowing your goals.

  1.  Who are you hoping to attract?  (Ideal customer)
  2. Where do they live on the internet/social media?  (Demographics, gender, lifestyle, etc)
  3. How do you deliver meaningful content to them? (Content strategy)
  4. How is that content created and distributed? (Who does the work)

 The Plan

Next we create a plan for meeting the defined goals.  We determine when and how the content will be delivered then create the infrastructure to deliver it to our target audience.  The keys to effective infrastructure are:

  1.  A robust, mobile-responsive WordPress website typically built on a supported framework that complies with web standards (search engine friendly)
  2. Social Media platforms used by your ideal customer/clients with links to and from your website
  3. Email marketing campaigns with great analytics like MailChimp
  4. Website analytics and reporting

Content is King

With the right infrastructure in place, it’s time to create content.  Our agency makes awesome content that connects with your ideal customer.  We determine the best medium to communicate your message; video, photography, articles, e-books, white papers, newsletters and more.  Then we distribute it via our infrastructure and continually measure the results.

 That which is measured improves

Next, we measure and report the results.  Since the data is gathered in real-time, we can quickly see what is working well and what isn’t and make adjustments fast.  Being nimble ensures that our client’s marketing budget is being maximized and that we’re generating a real ROI (return on investment).

Nothing in life is a sure thing (except death and taxes perhaps), but inbound marketing is pretty darn close to a sure thing when it comes to bringing in more business from the customers you want.  We’re ready to help you grow with inbound marketing.  Let’s talk.