How To Add Google Plus To Your Marketing Plan


How To Add Google Plus To Your Marketing Plan

In our last post we shared how Google+ quietly (subversively) became an essential piece of the smart business’s marketing tool box.  Here we’ll give you 3 quick and easy ways to incorporate it into your social media plan and give you a few resources for learning more.

  1. Get Credit for what you write.  The first step toward incorporating Google+ into your marketing plan is to make sure you are getting credit for the content you publish.  To do this you have to create a Google+ profile.  Details on how and some additional convincing from Copyblogger here.

  2. Link your blog.  Some WordPress frameworks like Thesis integrate Google+ authorship into their theme, but if yours doesn’t, Automattic (the company behind WordPress) just released an update to their popular JetPack plugin that makes it easy.  If you are not using WordPress, try this from Google.

  3. Use it.  After you are all set up on Google+ you need to use it.  Interact with people in your Circles, post and comment, host a Hangout.  Heck you might even find that there is a whole lot more to Google+ than you realized.  Did you know you can have an online meeting and share your screen too?  More on that from Google here.

Google+ is important, ignore it at your peril.  There are lots of things that can be done to improve your search rankings, this is both easy and free.

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