Marketing and Business Goals: A Love Story


I heart WorkshedIs your marketing working?  Is it bringing in the right customers and helping you achieve your business goals?

If not, why?

From what we’ve seen, many small business people are too busy running their businesses to spend time defining their goals.  They come to us and ask for a new a website and help with social media.  Then hope this new website and some facebook posts will magically bring in more customers and all will be well.

We think there’s more to it than that.

Yes, we can build a great looking website.  We can optimize it for search engines and help get your social media infrastructure in place.  But none of it will matter much if it isn’t helping you achieve your real business goals.

This is where Workshed is a little different.  We don’t just build websites for the sake of it.  A website and social media strategy is an outcome of knowing where you want to go.  Before we work with you, we get to know your business on a deep level.  Marketing is about communication and we can’t effectively communicate your message to the customer you want without knowing who you are, who they are and where you want to go.

How do we define the goals?

First we ask lots of questions.  We try not to take anything for granted.  We help our clients develop tangible, quantifiable goals.  Then we put it all down in writing along with a plan for achieving them.  Once we’re in agreement on the plan and the goals, we’re ready to start creating.

Measure, report, adjust.  Rinse and repeat.

With the infrastructure created  it’s time to execute.  Then we measure, report  and adjust.   We love data.  Digital marketing is awesome because you get incredible real time information.  This allows us to quickly assess the effectiveness of each component of our marketing and make necessary adjustments promptly.

By continually measuring, reporting and acting on the data you can hit your business goals.

Ready for your marketing to get together with your business goals?

Contact Us