Take the Workshed blog fitness challenge

Workshed Blog ChallengeAh, the new year is almost here.  If you’re like us, you’re feeling a little bit guilty about all that merriment from the holidays that added to the ol’ mid-section.  Time to get back in shape, maybe join a gym, take up jogging again, or try out that newfangled CrossFit thing.

Sounds like a plan.  Fitness is important to a happy, healthy, productive human being.  But what about your business fitness?  Is it time start exercising your marketing and content creation muscle?

Of course it is!  Content creation is the oft-neglected, but important part of your business that can resemble a treadmill collecting dust in the basement.  Like any piece of exercise equipment, it’s no good unless you actually use it.

For many, creating content (just like exercise) is hard at first.  But after the initial pain it gets easier.  Once you’re in the habit of creating content and start to see results (more customer engagement), you know it’s all worth it.

Misery loves company so we invite you to share in the pain.

30-day Blogging Challenge

To show that we at Workshed practice what we preach, we’re accepting Hubspot’s 30-day Blog Challenge and invite you to join us.  Why blog more?  Because it’s an effective method of marketing.  Hubspot says customers that write just 3-4 blog post per month attract 800 more website visits, 60 more Twitter followers, and 50 more Facebook likes than those who only write 2 blog posts.  Visits and fans are great, but this also led to 20 more lead submissions as well!

 Yeah, this stuff really works.

Our Blogging Goal

The challenge is to publish a blog post once a day from January 2 to January 31.  We’ll track our site stats and report them daily on our Facebook, Google +, and LinkedIn pages (make sure you’re following us to stay updated).  We invite each of you to share your stats, ask questions and help push us through to the finish line.

 Not sure if you can post everyday?  All is not lost, just post more than you are now.  The point is to start…and do it regularly.

Are you up to the challenge?

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