
Someone I Admire: Day 2 Hubspot Blog Fitness Challenge

A Changed Man There are many ways we are influenced in life and in business. It has been my experience that the most profound changes have been inspired by people I have known only through published work (books, interviews, etc).  Individuals who caused me to question...

Update Your WordPress Website

An out of date version of WordPress is one of the primary ways malicious hackers gain access to websites.  Updating your site to the latest release is essential, but depending on how your website was built, upgrading to a newer version can come with it's own set of...

Custom WordPress Themes Are a Bad Idea

Custom WordPress Themes Are a Bad Idea... Just because you can do something, that doesn't necessarily mean you should. There are many things in life we can make from scratch, but don’t simply because it’s not necessary or practical. For example, if I wanted to bake a...

Marketing and Business Goals: A Love Story

Is your marketing working?  Is it bringing in the right customers and helping you achieve your business goals? If not, why? From what we’ve seen, many small business people are too busy running their businesses to spend time defining their goals.  They come to us and...

Update WordPress for the Last Time

WordPress recently released version 3.7 affectionately dubbed "Basie" in honor of "Count Basie," and with it come automatic updating!  Of course, this might be a nightmare for older sites with "custom" themes, but for most people it's a helpful way to improve website...

Workshed Inc: Building websites, building community

The Vancouver Business Journal published their Business Spotlight about Workshed! Both the author (Jodie Gilmore) and photographer (Buck Heidrick) were enjoyable to work with and did a nice job of conveying what we’re trying to do for our clients.

Email Marketing Made Easy

The Importance of Email Marketing (and how to do it well) Owning a business and being a parent have a lot in common. Effectively communicating with your children and your clients is essential to maintaining good relationships in both areas. Unfortunately, regular...

How Google+ killed Facebook

How Google+ killed Facebook “What?” you ask. “I was just on Facebook this morning, chatting with my 362 friends and updating my status!” There’s no need to grab your phone and sound the alarm. Facebook is still alive and well. So are Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and...

A Fresh Coat of Paint

A fresh coat of paint. Well by now the word is out, Workshed is under new ownership...and look what they did to the logo and website! Sure, we could've left things as they were, worked less hours, ate a few more meals, but then would it really be ours?  We love the...

Just Launched:

Workshed just developed and launched a new site on behalf of our Seattle agency partners, SDM Marketing and PBR Design, who did an amazing job on the marketing direction, graphic design, creative direction and content.