Kitchen Electric Testimonial

Kitchen Electric Testimonial

Great Clients = Great Projects

Now that their site has been up and running for a few months, we asked Paul and Sara Kitchen, owners of Kitchen Electric in Washougal, WA to share their experience of having a website built by Workshed.

Thank you Paul and Sara for sharing your thoughts!
Here is a more comprehensive account of what we did for them.

What Does Workshed Do?

What Does Workshed Do?

A Simple Question

What do we (Workshed) do? The imprecise answer is that we build websites and help businesses with marketing; it’s also an oversimplification of what’s really going on. The reality is that these are just outcomes – solutions to a challenge, but not really what we are actually doing. If you were to start asking why we do various things, you’d quickly realize that the why, is what Workshed is all about.


Asking this one question (why) over and over allows us to understand the core issues facing our clients; even if they don’t. In the day to day running of a business, it can be difficult to discern areas of inefficiency. Our objectivity allows us to observe operations without the biases that come from years of experience.

In addition to understanding the how’s and why’s of your business, we also have to acquaint ourselves with your customer. During this get-to-know, you phase of a project we are (among other things) seeking to understand your customers. Who are they, why do they buy, what need are they attempting to satisfy, and how you can optimally serve them (taking into account your own goals and values).

Now What?

Once we know what you do and whom you should be doing it for, we start to craft solutions to bring the two of you together. This is where the websites, social media, and marketing come in. They are specific methods crafted to connect you with your ideal client. The outcome is the focus, not the tool. We are solution agnostic.

When you’re a hammer, all you see is nails.

When the tool takes precedence over the objective (to sell stuff) it’s easy to waste time and money. If you start with a clearly defined objective, the probability of success is dramatically increased.

What’s the Difference?

It all boils down to perspective. You might be tempted to assume that because our process usually ends up in a website that our websites are just like that of any other web design firm.

You’d be wrong.

I Thought You Built Websites for Business

Workshed is a team of passionate problem solvers who help businesses succeed as a way of expressing that passion. Contrast what we do with the typical web design company who build websites as an expression of their interest in technology.  The technology might be cool, but if it doesn’t attract paying customers it isn’t getting results.

We get results because we focus on them.

The Simple Answer

So what does Workshed do? We get you the right kind of customers and more of them!

How do we do it?

By focusing on the solution rather than the tool.

Do you need more ideal customers?

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Day 22: A New Mission

Day 22: A New Mission

A Little History

For those of you unfamiliar with my (Joe’s) other life, I’ve spent the last 12 years (until Tuesday that is) as an investment adviser helping clients prepare for and maintain their retirement.  While researching investments, I had the opportunity to acquire knowledge about a wide range of topics from a diverse mix of sources. Initially the focus was specific companies, then it expanded and I began to look at entire industries, and ultimately the economy as a whole.  Along the way, I started sense that something was missing; an important piece to the puzzle that was being ignored.

That missing piece was and is local investing.

The Key

Most of the reasons for local investing are beyond the scope of this post, but one important factor is the re-circulation (or local multiplier) rate. The re-circulation rate is one measurement used to determine how long money stays in a community (and gets reused over and over); since the turn of the century it’s fallen from 25-30, to less than 10.  A declining rate is like ajr slowly leaking from a tire, if not fixed it goes flat.  With a city or town, it’s how they lose their vibrancy.  Reversing that trend is why I decided to leave my primary profession and why I bought Workshed with Brian.

How Will That Help?

You might be wondering how a website/ marketing company can help fix the economy.  By working with local businesses and entrepreneurs directly (at Workshed) we are able to see first hand what is working, what is missing, and what’s needed to operate a sustainable (as in earning enough money to stay in business) business. Access to capital is part of that equation, but so is access to the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of others. With every project, we learn a little more about how to make that happen and can share it with past and future clients. So far, we’ve achieved modest success with the client’s we’ve worked with, and our work is positively contributing to their sales!

If you need help with something business related give us a call, we don’t have all the answers, but so far we haven’t been stumped.

But Wait There is More!

And another thing, don’t let cost be an issue. We won’t do a project if we don’t think it will generate a positive return for our clients and we are willing to offer payment arrangement to accommodate most budgets.


Why did I get into this business?  Day 3 Hubspot Blog Fitness Challenge

Why did I get into this business? Day 3 Hubspot Blog Fitness Challenge

You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
You may find yourself in another part of the world
You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife
You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
-Once in a lifetime, Talking Heads

I had been in the homebuilding and remodeling business for nearly 20 years prior to taking over Workshed.  I had the wonderful opportunity to grow from a kid working as a laborer to the CEO (I use that term reluctantly) of a four million dollar a year business employing designers, project managers, carpenters and office staff.  We were pretty successful- winning awards while building a portfolio full of really cool projects.  We had a great reputation and a long list of happy clients.

craftsman home

One of the cool homes I built

Through this experience, I found that what I really loved was creating the processes that allowed my talented team to do what they do- design and build at a high level.  Putting a solid structure in place helped them work together seamlessly which resulted in happier employees, happier clients and smoother projects.

Then, as we all know, the market cratered.  There weren’t enough projects to keep my team busy so we had to let them go.  It sucked.  It really sucked.  All that hard work seemed to be for nothing.

I began to think about pursuing something new where I could apply my passion for process and working with creative folks.

Which brings us to Workshed.

Joe and I had wanted to work together for several years and were looking for the right fit.  When we heard that Workshed was available we were immediately intrigued.  Both of us believe passionately in building a strong local economy (which requires healthy local businesses) and love solving problems.  We felt that we understood the needs of the small businesses that Workshed serves and that we could have a positive impact- so we took the plunge.

Some people may wonder what a “construction guy” is doing with a website company.  Well, I’m not really a construction guy and Workshed isn’t just a website company.   My true passion is improving businesses and that is the mission of Workshed v2.0.  We aim to build a great company that helps other folks build great companies.  Building websites is one component of what we do to help businesses, but it’s an outcome of the process of solving a problem, not an end in itself.

My goal is to apply my hard-earned knowledge and skills to help my clients solve problems.  It’s what drives me to work at expanding my capabilities into new territories (like how to build an effective website that generates a positive ROI).  By working with the brave entrepreneurs who accept the risk of starting a business, I’ve found the perfect avenue for having a positive impact on my community and I’m helping to make the world a better place.

That’s why I got into this business.